
Doctoral Students and Post-doctoral Fellows

Liqun Peng (SPIA-STEP Ph.D. 2023), Now: Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Energy Technologies Area

Guo Yang, (Associate Research Scholar) Now: Presidential Young Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore

Jing Liang (C-PREE Postdoc, 2021-2022), Now: Associate Professor, School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Yiheng Tao (HMEI-STEP Fellow, Ph.D., 2022)

Mingwei Li (C-PREE Postdoc, 2019-2022), Now: Assistant Professor, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University

Xu Chen (SPIA-STEP Ph.D. 2021, C-PREE Postdoc 2021-22), Now: Uber, San Francisco

Disha Sharma (C-PREE Postdoc 2019-21) Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany

Da Pan (Ph.D., 2021), Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University

Hongxun Liu (C-PREE Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2018-2020), Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Zhongshu Li (SPIA-STEP Ph.D., 2020)

Feiqi Liu (Visiting PhD student, 2019-2020), PhD Tsinghua University, 2021

Mi Zhou, (Visiting PhD student, 2019-2020), PhD Peking University, 2021.  Now:  Postdoc C-PREE, Princeton University

Yixin Guo (SPIA-STEP Ph.D., 2019, C-PREE Postdoc 2020), Peking University (PKU)-IIASA Fellow

Junnan Yang,(WWS-STEP Ph.D., 2019, C-PREE Postdoc 2019)

Charles (Xiaoyuan) Li, (CEE Ph.D., 2018), E3, San Francisco, CA

Ryan Edwards,(PEI-STEP fellow, CEE Ph.D., 2018), AAAS Congressional Geoscience Fellow, Washington DC

Yue Qin, (WWS-STEP Ph.D., 2017), Associate Professor, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University

Wei Peng, (WWS-STEP Ph.D., 2016),Assistant Professor, Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment and School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Xinwo Huang,(PEI-STEP fellow, CEE Ph.D. 2016)

Fabian Wagner, (WWS/ACEE Visiting Research Scholar, 2014-2016), IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria

Xin Zhang, (post-doc, 2012-2015), Associate Professor (tenured), University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science

Dan Westervelt, (post-doc 2013-2015), Associate Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

David Pal,(PEI-STEP fellow, CEE Ph.D. 2015)

David Kanter, (WWS/STEP Ph.D. 2014), Associate Professor (tenured) , Environmental Studies Dept., New York University

Mary Kang, (PEI/STEP fellow, CEE Ph.D. 2014), Assistant Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Matthew Reid, (PEI/STEP fellow, CEE PhD 2014), Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., Cornell University

Carole Dalin, (PEI/STEP fellow, CEE PhD 2014), Associate Professor in Sustainable Food Systems, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, University College – London

Shiri Avnery, (Ph.D. 2012), co-founder of Thistle, a sustainable food company

Brian Ellis (STEP-PEI fellow 2010-2012). Associate Professor, University of Michigan

Yuanyuan Fang (post-doc 2010-2012), Statistician at Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco

Megan Konar (STEP-PEI fellow 2010-2012), Assistant Professor, University of Illinois

Monika Kopacz, (postdoc 2009-10), Program Manager, Climate Program Office, NOAA

Eri Saikawa, (Ph.D. 2010), Associate Professor, Emory University

Junfeng Liu, (Ph.D. 2006, Post-doctoral fellow 2006-2008), Research Professor (with tenure), College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, CHINA

Vaishali Naik, (post-doc 2003-2006, associate research scholar 2006-2007), Project Scientist, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ

Jason West, (research associate, 2004-2006), Associate Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering Department, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Daniel Q. Tong, (post-doc 2003-2005), Senior Scientist, Science and Technology Corporation, on assignment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Atmospheric Modeling Division,

Shangping Xu, (PEI-STEP fellow 2004-2005). Associate Professor at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.

Xiaoping Wang, (Ph.D. 2004), World Bank, Washington, D.C.


Alumni - Undergraduate Students


Srija Patcha (2022)

Kara Bressler (2018)

Chris Chu (2018)

Caleb Gum (2018)

Shanna Christian (2016)

Christy Kaiser (2016)

Alana Miller (2016)

Thomas Hale, (undergrad collaborator, 2003) Associate Professor of Public Policy, Oxford University, Blavatnik School of Government

Babar Sultan, (undergraduate/alumni research assistant 2001-2003, A.B. 2002 Economics), Harvard Medical School MD

Cristina Cobb-Adams, (undergraduate assistant, summer 2003), Princeton class of 2005